Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Reading in Kindergarten

The children have been busy these last two weeks building stamina in reading, by practicing "Read to Self". We are using a structure for our reading time that is based on the work of Gail Boushey and Joan Moser. These two teachers created what is called "The Daily 5" which helps students develop habits of good reading, and enables them to work independently while the teacher can focus in on individual student needs and small group support. Everyday we try to increase the amount of time the children are reading for a sustained period. We began with three minutes, and have now worked our way up to 8 minutes of reading. Reading includes reading the words, "reading" the pictures, and retelling a story that you have already read. The students are doing an amazing job with this! Eventually, we will work to include phonics and sight word work, writing, listening to reading (books on tape), and reading with a partner. For more information on The Daily 5, please visit:

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