Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Hopes and Dreams and Rules in School

We have many hopes and dreams in our 1st grade classroom.  As part of our school's Responsive Classroom approach, we foster a desire for learning through goal setting, and work as a community to support each other in accomplishing these goals.   Some first graders are working towards becoming better writers.  Others want support in making new friends.  Take a moment to ask your child about their Hope and Dream for the year.   Brainstorm with them the kinds of things will they need to do in order to reach their goal.
After sharing our Hopes and Dreams, we work as a class to create class rules.  I explain to the children that rules will help ensure that learning occurs and therefore support our Hopes and Dreams.  On the first day of this discussion we made a long list of class rules.  Today, we revisited our list and realized that all of the rules we brainstormed fit nicely into two rules:
Take care of our school community
Respect ourselves and each other
Tomorrow I will ask each student to sign off that they agree with the rules.  I will post them in the room and refer to them often.  Our next step will be to discuss what happens when a rule is broken.  Check back soon to hear more.

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