Friday, March 29, 2019

Writing Reviews

Our opinion writing unit brought us to a local favorite, The Skinny Pancake, to taste test three different crepes and write a review of the restaurant!  All the kids agreed that the food was delicious!

Here are some  quotes taken from their writing...

“My favorite was seeing them making things.” - Cora

“I like the flowers and the pictures.” - Oliveea

“I would give it a five [star] because their crepes are amazing and all their food is amazing!” - Victor

“I really like their food because they put really yummy toppings.” - Owen

“Skinny Pancake is 100 percent good!” - Emeline

“I love the chocolate strawberry and ham and cheese crepe because I love crepes.  You should go there sometime.” - Marquis

“I like the dessert and the pizza because it is good.” - Ethan

“The one I liked best was the ham and cheese crepe.” - Erik

“Skinny Pancake is awesome.  They have amazing crepes.” - Maggie

“The Skinny Pancake is cool!” - Makai

“Go to The Skinny Pancake.  It is great.” - Moira

“I like the flowers in the vases and the place is great so you should try it.” - Revyn

“I love Skinny Pancake!” - Rowan

"The crepes are so good because the fillings are so delicious. That is why I give it so many stars." - Satya


We continued our sound waves unit at ECO today by experimenting with using sound to communicate over a distance.  The learners created a unique call or whistle sound with the knotweed whistles they made recently with Ken from NBNC and used them to signal their partners. We also had fun climbing at “Fallen Tree Camp”!

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Light and Sound Waves

This month, we are spending ECO and classroom time exploring phenomena around light and sound waves. We have experimented with light waves to discover which things are translucent, transparent, opaque, or reflective, and are wondering about how sound waves are transmitted. Next week at ECO, we will try using sound or light waves to communicate with each other.  Ask your child to tell you more!