Friday, October 27, 2017
An Insect Parade!
To conclude our study of insects, the children created insect costumes and paraded around the school!

Thursday, October 26, 2017
Community Visit to the Fire Station
We had a great visit to the Montpelier Fire Department today and met three firefighters! We reviewed fire safety and what to do if there is a fire in your home. Does your family have an evacuation plan with a safe meeting spot? We watched a firefighter put on the "turnout gear" and use an oxygen tank and mask. Then, we broke into smaller groups to explore the inside and outside of a fire truck and ambulance. As you can imagine, there was lots of firefighter play at choice time! Tomorrow, we will reflect on our trip in our community journals. Ask your child to tell you more!

Saturday, October 21, 2017
Wednesday, October 18, 2017
Special Days
We've had lots of special moments this week including an all school assembly with visits from Montpelier Police officers and Screech the owl. Three Union children were recognized for turning in a $100 bill they found on the street! Later, we saw a giant pumpkin that weighed over 800 pounds, and then walked to the Kellogg Hubbard Library to meet the author of Hold This, Carolyn Scoppettone. She read her story, and discussed the craft moves she included in her writing (bold words, ellipses, words for sounds). We made a character puppet from her book, and went on a story walk around the library.

Thursday's ECO day focused on leaves. We played a leaf themed game, and Ken told us a story about a green man who creates art out of leaves and natural items from the forest. The children then entered the forest and spent time observing and recording information about leaves. Friday we followed up in the classroom by writing in our community journals and recording about leaves on Seesaw. What a fun week!
Friday, October 13, 2017
Our Lives Are Full of Stories!
Our first graders have published their first books! We have been writing "small moment" stories - true stories about something that happened to us. We have practiced how to plan for writing, elaborate with pictures or words, and add life to our characters by describing or showing how people are feeling or thinking. We have also learned ways to spell words: say it slowly and write the sounds you hear, use sight words from the word wall, and use words you know (ex. art to spell smart). We will publish one more set of small moment books. Our next lessons focus on using mentor text to learn how authors use craft moves (ellipses, exact actions, pop out words,) to add detail to stories, and more tips for revising and editing. Ask your child to tell you more about their recently published book!

Friday, October 6, 2017
Reading Workshop
First Graders have been learning how to build reading stamina this year. We have worked up to 20 minutes of silent, independent reading! After the children read independently, they spend time reading with a partner. During these times, they are encouraged to try the skill or strategy I have introduced during my mini lesson. This past week, we have practiced what to do when you come to a tricky word. They have learned sounding a word only works some of the time, and that there are other things you should try. So far I have introduced looking at the picture, looking for parts of the word that you know, and backing up and re-reading to get a running start. These strategies work for all students at all reading levels.

While the children participate in reading to self or someone, I bring small groups of students together for a guided reading lesson to target specific reading fluency and comprehension skills using leveled texts.
We will continue learning more strategies for solving tricky words in the coming weeks!
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